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Loved by the Pack: Wolf Shifter Menage (The Wolfpack Trilogy Book 3)
Loved by the Pack: Wolf Shifter Menage (The Wolfpack Trilogy Book 3) Read online
Loved by the Pack
Abby Weeks
Copyright © 2015 Abby Weeks
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This work is presented by the author.
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ISBN 978‐1‐927947‐47‐0
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Back Matter
Gustav Klimt, 1862‐1918
Oscar Wilde, 1854‐1900
Chapter 1
THERE WERE CERTAIN THINGS THAT Aisha had always known instinctually. One of them was to be careful what she wished for. Sometimes, getting exactly what you wanted could be the hardest thing of all. She now had four handsome, strong, sexual shifter brothers who all wanted her. They craved her. They lusted after her. And most importantly of all, they loved her. It was perfect. It was more than she ever could have dreamed.
But it came with a challenge. How could one girl keep four brothers happy? Had she been crazy to even think that was possible? Had she been careless with their feelings?
Despite her fears, there was a big part of her that told her not to worry. They were stronger than any men she’d ever come across. They could handle enemy wolf packs, hunters attacking them from helicopters, the constant knowledge that they were the last of their species. If they could survive all of that, they could survive this too.
She looked at Hardy and Tucker as they escorted her back to the house from the mountain. She thought about Packer and Logan. They deserved to be happy, all four of them. They’d gone through so much. They’d watched their people die, they’d lost their family, they’d lived as outcasts, protecting the very people who’d shunned them.
“Please, God,” she whispered, “let me be the one that makes them happy. Let me be the one that makes them feel complete. They’ve fought so hard, for so long, and they deserve some comfort, some joy, some love.”
Chapter 2
AFTER THE THRILL OF PERFORMING the bonding ritual, Aisha felt very strange. Hardy and Tucker escorted her back to the house and they were both so eager to please her that she felt bad for them. She’d bonded with them precisely for that purpose, to give them the right to pursue her and try to mate with her, but the only thing she had on her mind was Logan and Packer.
The older brothers were both out in the forest, far away, and they were avoiding each other. It pained Aisha to admit it, but they were avoiding her as well. Everything was so complicated. It was so difficult for them. Her presence was driving a wedge between them and it drove her crazy.
“I have to go see Ma Hetty,” she said.
“Now?” Hardy said.
“We’ll come with you.”
“No,” Aisha said. “I have to go alone.”
She could see the pain that her rejection caused to Hardy and Tucker, but this was something she had to do alone. She knew her way around the forest well by now, and she hurried down the slope toward the human village, eager to get there before dawn.
As she approached, she let Ma Hetty know where she was, and Ma Hetty came out of the village to meet her.
“I saw what happened at your bonding ritual,” Ma Hetty said.
“What am I going to do?” Aisha said. “The whole point of letting them all bond with me was to make sure no one got hurt. Now, Logan is distraught.”
“You can’t control everything,” Ma Hetty said. “You can’t control the emotions of these alpha males. Packer and Logan are two of the strongest, most emotional, most powerful males I’ve ever seen in all my years. There’s no way you can be responsible for everything they do.”
“I just feel like it’s my fault they’re in such pain,” Aisha said.
“It’s not your fault, child. The only thing you did was have the misfortune to be born a female at a time when there were no others alive. That’s hardly your fault, is it? It’s not like you had any control over it. Just give them time. Both Packer and Logan are finding it difficult to countenance the thought of sharing you, but look at Hardy and Tucker. They both seem to be far more willing to accept it. And they deserve the chance to mate with a female just as much as the other two. Don’t you go worrying about the things you can’t control.”
“I can’t even follow Packer and Logan’s thoughts.”
“That’s because they can’t even make sense of their emotions themselves. Believe me, if they were thinking anything that made any sense, you’d be able to follow it,” Ma Hetty said.
“But what if something happens to them? They’re both roaming so far into the territory of the wolves. I’m so terrified that they’ll get hurt.”
“Don’t be,” Ma Hetty said. “The life of a shifter is dangerous. If you go worrying every time one of these males goes into enemy territory, you’ll spend your whole life worrying. The only thing you can do is your best. No one can ask more of that from you. You tried to offer yourself to all four of them. It’s not your fault Logan and Packer ran off into the forest.”
Aisha looked at Ma Hetty. There was so much wisdom in the old lady’s face.
“Do you ever regret becoming a seer?” Aisha said.
Ma Hetty looked sad. Then her eyes met Aisha’s and she grinned broadly. “There was a time when I did,” she said, “but now that I see all the difficulties you’re having with the four brothers, I can safely say I wouldn’t trade places with you!”
Aisha laughed. She knew Ma Hetty was just trying to make her feel better, and it was working.
“Thank you,” Aisha said.
Ma Hetty put her hand on Aisha’s shoulder, comforting her. “Look,” she said. “Don’t doubt yourself so much. Don’t second guess yourself. Be proud. Be confident. You’re doing something very difficult. You’re in an impossible situation. You’re the last female of your kind, and there are four brothers that you have to try and keep happy. I don’t think there’s a female alive who’d take on that job.”
“But it’s the job that’s been given to me,” Aisha said, “and I don’t want to screw it up.”
“You’re not screwing it up at all, child,” Ma Hett
y said. “You’re doing great. You’ve given all four brothers a glimpse at a chance of happiness that they couldn’t even have imagined just a few months ago. It’s only natural that some emotions will boil over. But the important thing is that you’re there for them. You give them what you need. You offer your body to them as you see fit. And they’ll come and claim you when they’re ready. Believe me. You don’t have to chase these males. You’re the only living female. They’ll always, always, come back to you. Sooner or later.”
Chapter 3
AISHA FELT A LOT BETTER as she made her way back up the mountainside toward the house. The sun was beginning to rise, flooding streaks of bright light through the branches above her. Aisha took comfort from the sounds of the birds that sang in the coming of a new dawn. She could sense that Logan and Packer were still far out in the wilderness, dealing with their powerful emotions, but neither of them had been hurt during the night, despite numerous bouts with hostile wolves, and they weren’t fighting with each other either. In fact, there was almost a hundred miles of dense forest between them. That made her feel better. They were still upset, they were angry and confused, but they were doing better than they had been the night before. She knew Ma Hetty was right. If she just gave them time, they’d both come back to her eventually and take the pleasure and happiness she could offer them. They might not be able to stake their claim on her as completely as they’d like, but that was the shifter way, and they were bound by it as much as she was. It wasn’t her fault she was the last of her kind.
Chapter 4
WHEN AISHA GOT BACK TO the house Hardy and Tucker were out hunting. She could sense them in the forests beyond the ridge. They were hunting together and they were calm and confident in what they were doing. She sensed no danger. They weren’t nearly as affected by the situation as Logan and Packer were. In fact, if anything, they were excited. They’d just formed the handmaiden’s bond with a female who they were highly attracted to. Aisha knew that she could offer them some comfort and happiness, and she intended to do just that. But not before she caught up on some much needed sleep.
She went into the house and climbed the ladder up to her loft. Within minutes she was fast asleep.
Chapter 5
WHEN SHE WOKE UP, SHE immediately went to check on Logan and Packer. She reached out to them with her mind. They were still nowhere near the cabin, but at least they were back in their own territory. Aisha felt they were so much safer there. Packer was high in the mountains watching the setting sun. He was thinking about Aisha, and she reached out to him. It melted her heart to experience the strength and depth of the emotions that he felt for her. He was obsessed with her. He’d spent the entire day running and trying to clear his head.
“Come back to me,” Aisha said to him.
“How can I?”
“Of course you can.”
Packer flashed before her the images of his three brothers. “How can I when you’re going to fall in love with my brothers?”
Aisha didn’t know what to say. She understood why he was upset. She broke off the connection with him and found that she was crying. Then she thought about the words Ma Hetty had said to her. She thought about the fact that she hadn’t asked to be put into this position, that it was an impossible position, and that she was doing the best she could. And then she climbed down the steps from the loft and found Hardy and Tucker waiting for her by the fire in the den.
“Aisha,” Tucker said, walking toward her.
Aisha looked up at him. He was the same age as her. She’d grown used to thinking of him as a bit of a kid, but that was only because he and Hardy were so much younger than their two brothers. Now that she looked at the two of them on their own, she could see that there was really nothing childish about them. They were large and strong. They killed wolves for a living. They provided everything they needed for their life and were completely self-sufficient. They needed nothing from anyone, and asked for even less. If she’d met either of them at a bar back in Washington, she’d have been immediately taken by them. They were strong and handsome and confident—and extremely charming.
She took a step backward away from Tucker.
Tucker stopped. “What is it?” he said.
Aisha shook her head. She didn’t know. She looked at Hardy. He was so good looking. Every time she looked at him she thought of those underwear models for Calvin Klein.
Aisha was nervous. She knew what was happening. She’d formed the handmaiden’s bond with these two. She’d given them her approval to mate with her, but it was still foreign to her. It was so strange. It was so different from what she’d seen growing up back in Washington. Humans didn’t mate like this. They went on dates, had too much to drink. Before a girl knew it, she would kiss a boy and very quickly one thing would lead to another. With shifters it was different. Everything was so open, so honest. There was no hiding intentions. Neither Hardy nor Tucker thought for a moment that there was anything strange or overly forward about what they were doing. They wanted to mate with her. She’d known that. It was obvious. And then she’d given them permission. She’d been kidding herself if she’d thought they’d wait any longer than they had to.
She looked at both of them. They were wearing furs, their smooth, muscular flesh showing through the folds in the garments. She looked into their faces and saw the pure passion, the pure desire in their eyes.
“What’s going on?” she said.
Tucker looked back at Hardy. Hardy looked at Aisha.
“We want you,” Hardy said.
“We crave you,” Tucker said.
Aisha felt herself blush. “I see,” she said.
“There’s nothing wrong, is there?” Hardy said.
Aisha looked from one to the other. She knew that if she told them she wasn’t ready for this, that they would immediately stop pursuing her. They would never force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. The problem was that she was shy. She was shy and afraid and nervous, but all the brothers knew was that she’d formed the bond. That was the only factor they took into consideration. That and the fact that they could smell her own sexual arousal even before she was aware of it.
She was beginning to realize just how powerful the handmaiden’s bond really was. It was more than just a signal of being ready to mate. It created a link between her body and the males. They could tell by her scent when she was aroused. She could tell the same about them.
“No,” she said, “there’s nothing wrong. It’s just … this is all very new to me.”
Tucker stepped up to her and put his hand on the side of her face. It felt so strange. Aisha had grown used to being among the four brothers, she’d become their friend, she thought of them as family, but this was new. This was something she’d known was coming, but now that it was here, it was confusing and embarrassing.
But she had to admit, it was also exciting.
Hardy came over and stood next to Tucker. He also reached out and touched her cheek softly with his hand.
“Are you ready for this?” he said to her.
Chapter 6
AISHA NODDED. SHE KNEW SHE wasn’t ready, but she didn’t want to be a tease. She didn’t want to torture them. She knew how badly they needed her. She could tell by their scent that they were completely aroused. Her only concern was for Packer and Logan, but she refused to let her worries about them cloud her judgment. She was doing her job. She was doing what she had to do. She was the last female shifter in the valley, and if Packer and Logan had issues to get over, they’d have to figure them out for themselves.
“I belong to you,” she said to Hardy and Tucker. “I belong to you both. We’ve formed the bond.”
Hardy bent down and lifted Aisha up over his shoulder and began climbing the steps of the ladder that led up to the loft. Aisha gasped in surprise. She let Hardy carry her, and she looked down into Tucker’s face as he climbed the ladder behind them.
At the top, the two males looked at her hungrily. Hardy began removing
his fur garments. Tucker saw him and did the same. A moment later, they were both completely naked. Aisha took a step back from them, but she wasn’t afraid, just overwhelmed. There was something extremely erotic and powerful about seeing their two naked bodies so close. They were built like machines. Every inch of them, every muscle, was designed for strength and protection.
She glanced down below their waists. Both penises were as long and erect as any she’d ever seen. She wondered what it would be like to feel those cocks inside her body, and she felt her cunt quiver with anticipation at the thought. She wanted them, and she knew it.
Hardy approached her. Aisha braced for impact, as if she was going to be attacked by a wild animal, but when he reached her, he was so gentle that she immediately let down her guard. He opened the tie around her neck and removed the fur garment that covered her voluptuous breasts.
Tucker was next to his brother. He got down on his knees and opened her fur skirt. When it fell, Aisha was completely naked. She felt more naked than she’d ever been before. She was so vulnerable, at the mercy of these two predators, and she’d already offered herself to them completely and utterly. She’d given herself—body and heart and soul—to the pack.
“What’s going to happen?” she whispered, but she knew she needed no answer.
Tucker was already on his knees before her. He breathed in and inhaled the sweet fragrance of her pussy. He knew she was ready to mate, and she knew the same about him. He opened his mouth and brought his beautiful lips onto the soft folds of skin of her clitoris. She sighed in pleasure as his tongue began sliding gently over her wet clit and cunt.
Hardy was looking into her eyes as Tucker continued pleasuring her with his mouth.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” he said. “We thought there were none of you left.”
Aisha blushed. It was too much, one brother talking while the other sucked her clit.
“You’re so precious,” Hardy said. “Don’t worry about my brothers. They’re stubborn, they’re emotional, but it’s only because you mean so much to us. They’d given up hope of ever finding the sort of happiness you’re able to give us.”